CS - The Lottery Fantasy

By preying on people’s greed and ignorance, financial institutions historically have played an instrumental role in the inescapable pit of debt most Costa Ricans live in.

CS Financial is unlike other banks. We want you to make better financial decisions, even if it’s at our expense.

Run and shoot a social experiment asking people what they’d do if they won the lottery. Without fail, they all daydreamed about they’d splurge on. What they didn’t know was that their interviewer was a former lottery winner himself and lost all his winnings by having that same mentality.

Most succesful ad in company’s 60 year history
+5125% Brand Interactions
+305% Brand Talking-About

Directly led to the Lottery Administration Agency developing a financial roadmap for lottery winners.
Things I Believe    Fun    CV
I don’t know how to reserve rights but legal dibs on all these things. ©2024